Promote Your Business Brands with Best Google Ads Manager Services

Get 10x More Traffic To Dominate Huge Marketing Waves

Google Ads allows you to take advantage of the benefits of online advertising: show your ads to the right people, in the right place, and at the right time. Google Ads offers several benefits, but here are the key ones

Online advertising allows you to show your ads to the people who are likely to be interested in your products and services, while filtering out folks who aren’t. And you can track whether those people clicked your ads. Online advertising also gives you the opportunity to reach potential customers as they use multiple devices — desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

We Create Brands on Social Media by

With higher reach and lower CPC rates than Search Engines, Social Media Advertising has now become the favorite practice for building stronger Brands. Digital Marketing Company India always suggests you to go for Social Media Marketing especially on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Online Marketing or you can say nowadays Social Marketing is one the key marketing strategy for any of the brands you see on internet world.

Amazing Facts About Google

Google has 90.46% of the search engine market share globally.

15% of all queries have never been searched before on Google.

Google has a market value of $739 billion.

An average person conducts 3–4 searches every day.

Google Introduced A Search Engine That Study Your Mind.

Benefit You will Get

best digital marketing services company

Target Audience

Google Ads gives the best way to target the audience based on age, gender, location, language, device, day, time, frequency, and language and it is extremely faster and easier than SEO.

best digital marketing services company

Immediate Impact

Google ads gives an immediate and effective impact and allowing you to be at the top of the search results for the terms you want in a matter of hours.

best digital marketing services company

Reach Right People at Right Time

You can essentially ensure your business is found by potential customers on Google at the precise time they are searching for what you have to offer.

best digital marketing services company

Brand Awareness

Boosting traffic, clicks, and conversions ultimately increases the brand awareness

best digital marketing services company

Limit Your Spend

You won’t receive any unexpected bills, as you can limit your daily Ad spend. Access data and see exactly how your budget has been spent, and improve your budgeting going forwards

Why You Need Google Ads?

How It Will Work

We focus on keywords to keep your business Positively engaged with users through its highly rank optimization on Google and increase your business visibility.

We not only get you clicks but also bring conversions that turn into sales.

Our Facebook and Instagram Marketing and Advertising Agency provide you customized daily reports, so you will always know how much revenue you are generating every month

Our target is to focus on your business to make more money through intelligent digital advertising and creative conversion rate optimization.

With our Google Ads Services, we regularly improve your business digital presence and increase customer loyalty.

Our Google Ads Company provides customized daily reports, so you will always know how much revenue you are generating every month.

Let Us Share The Success Story Of Mrs. Smitha, How Her Downhilled Business Got Uphilled With Our Services !

There really isn’t much to say except that this is the Best Google Ads Service I have tried and it is safe to say that I wasn’t disappointed a bit

When I hired this Google Ads Company 6 months ago, my e-commerce business was suffering. Mainly, my business was not growing as quickly as I wanted and I tried to handle it as many things as possible on my own. However, it didn’t work and I knew right away that I should let professionals handle that, and I wasn’t wrong. Then with the help of Google Ads Service, I got new exciting ways to attract users..

They worked tremendously to drive my brand awareness and sales to my e-commerce business. While working with them I personally observed that they are experienced and completely transparent about costs and services they offer. Anytime I check my history, there are always changes they have made to try to optimize my business and their services are incredibly impressive

My business has skyrocketed since I hired them and I am very happy with my ROI.

Flexible pricing plans


Total Working Hours - 30 Hrs

  • Competitor Analysis
  • No. of Keywords - 150
  • No. of Campaigns- 1
  • No. of Ad Groups
  • No. of Text Ad Copies- 5
  • No. of Display Ad Copies- 2
  • Still Ad Design
  • GIF Ad Design
  • Video Ad Design
  • Landing Page Creation
  • Landing Page Content Creation
  • Audience Targeting Setup
  • Conversion Code Setup
  • Manual Bid Setup
  • Campaign Mangement
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Ad Copy Optimization
  • Manual Bid Optimization
  • Time, Days & Gender Optimization
  • Geo Location Optimization
  • Cost/Click Optimization
  • Cost/Conversion Optimization
  • Google Location Map
  • Cost/Click Optimization
  • Cost/Conversion Optimization
  • Clickthrough Rate Optimization
  • Landing Page Consultation
  • A/B Testing
  • Keyword Refinements (if required)
  • Bid Refinements (if required)
  • Google Analytics Setup Basic
  • Google Ads Conversion Setup
  • Weekly Reports
  • Monthly Reports
  • Advanced Reports
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Email Support
  • Call Support
  • Per Text Ad Copy- Rs.500
  • Per Banner Ad Copy- Rs.1,000
  • Per Ad Group- Rs.1,000
  • Per Campaign- Rs.15,00
  • Per Landing Page Design & Setup- Rs.5,000
  • Landing Page Content. Rs4/Word


Total Working Hours - 70 Hrs

  • Competitor Analysis
  • No. of Keywords - 400
  • No. of Campaigns- 3
  • No. of Ad Groups- 5
  • No. of Text Ad Copies- 10
  • No. of Display Ad Copies- 5
  • Still Ad Design
  • GIF Ad Design
  • Video Ad Design
  • Landing Page Creation
  • Landing Page Content Creation
  • Audience Targeting Setup
  • Conversion Code Setup
  • Manual Bid Setup
  • Campaign Mangement
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Ad Copy Optimization
  • Manual Bid Optimization
  • Time, Days & Gender Optimization
  • Geo Location Optimization
  • Cost/Click Optimization
  • Cost/Conversion Optimization
  • Google Location Map
  • Cost/Click Optimization
  • Cost/Conversion Optimization
  • Clickthrough Rate Optimization
  • Landing Page Consultation
  • A/B Testing
  • Keyword Refinements (if required)
  • Bid Refinements (if required)
  • Google Analytics Setup Basic
  • Google Ads Conversion Setup
  • Weekly Reports
  • Monthly Reports
  • Advanced Reports
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Email Support
  • Call Support
  • Per Text Ad Copy- Rs.500
  • Per Banner Ad Copy- Rs.900
  • Per Ad Group- Rs.900
  • Per Campaign- Rs.1,400
  • Per Landing Page Design & Setup- Rs.4,500
  • Landing Page Content. Rs3.7/Word


Total Working Hours - 100 Hrs

  • Competitor Analysis
  • No. of Keywords - 700
  • No. of Campaigns- 5
  • No. of Ad Groups- 10
  • No. of Text Ad Copies- 20
  • No. of Display Ad Copies- 10
  • Still Ad Design
  • GIF Ad Design
  • Video Ad Design
  • Landing Page Creation- 1
  • Landing Page Content Creation
  • Audience Targeting Setup
  • Conversion Code Setup
  • Manual Bid Setup
  • Campaign Mangement
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Ad Copy Optimization
  • Manual Bid Optimization
  • Time, Days & Gender Optimization
  • Geo Location Optimization
  • Cost/Click Optimization
  • Cost/Conversion Optimization
  • Google Location Map
  • Cost/Click Optimization
  • Cost/Conversion Optimization
  • Clickthrough Rate Optimization
  • Landing Page Consultation
  • A/B Testing
  • Keyword Refinements (if required)
  • Bid Refinements (if required)
  • Google Analytics Setup Basic
  • Google Ads Conversion Setup
  • Weekly Reports
  • Monthly Reports
  • Advanced Reports
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Email Support
  • Call Support
  • Per Text Ad Copy- Rs.400
  • Per Banner Ad Copy- Rs.800
  • Per Ad Group- Rs.800
  • Per Campaign- Rs.1,200
  • Per Landing Page Design & Setup- Rs.4,000
  • Landing Page Content. Rs3.5/Word


Total Working Hours - 30 Hrs

  • Competitor Analysis
  • No. of Keywords - Customized
  • No. of Campaigns- Customized
  • No. of Ad Groups- Customized
  • No. of Text Ad Copies- Customized
  • No. of Display Ad Copies- Customized
  • Still Ad Design- Customized
  • GIF Ad Design- Customized
  • Video Ad Design- Customized
  • Landing Page Creation- Customized
  • Landing Page Content Creation
  • Audience Targeting Setup
  • Conversion Code Setup
  • Manual Bid Setup
  • Campaign Mangement
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Ad Copy Optimization
  • Manual Bid Optimization
  • Time, Days & Gender Optimization
  • Geo Location Optimization
  • Cost/Click Optimization
  • Cost/Conversion Optimization
  • Google Location Map
  • Cost/Click Optimization
  • Cost/Conversion Optimization
  • Clickthrough Rate Optimization
  • Landing Page Consultation
  • A/B Testing
  • Keyword Refinements (if required)
  • Bid Refinements (if required)
  • Google Analytics Setup Basic- Customized
  • Google Ads Conversion Setup- Customized
  • Weekly Reports
  • Monthly Reports
  • Advanced Reports
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Email Support
  • Call Support
  • Per Text Ad Copy- Customized
  • Per Banner Ad Copy- Customized
  • Per Ad Group- Customized
  • Per Campaign- Customized
  • Per Landing Page Design & Setup- Customized
  • Landing Page Content- Customized

Worried For Google Ads

Get Free Consultation From Our Digital Marketing Expert.

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Digitalyts best digital marketing company with 100% satisfaction guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

You will get 100% satisfaction from our Google Ads Company because we are fueled with passion and commitments to clients to give them the best service. We provide excellent service that shows everything about your business which helps to boots your business higher

Frequently Asked Questions?

Google Ads is an online advertising way that businesses use to promote their services and products on Google Search, other sites, and YouTube across the web. Google Ads also allows advertisers to choose particular goals for their ads, like website visits or driving phone calls. With a Google Ads account, advertisers can customize their targeting and, budgets and start or stop their ads at any time.

Google Ads works by showing your ad when people search online for the services and products you offer. By leveraging smart technology, Google Ads helps you to get your ads to reach potential customers at just the moment they’re ready to take action. Once your ad is approved, it can display whenever users in your target area search for service or a product like yours. You only pay when users engage with your ad like calling or clicking your business.

There are three basic types of Google Ads:
Search Network campaigns – usually text form, these ads display on Google Search results pages when someone searches for a service or product that’s similar to yours
Display Network campaigns – usually image form, these ads appear on apps or websites that your customers visit
Video campaigns – usually 6 or 15-second videos, these ads display right before or during YouTube content.

Google ad rank is the position of the company’s advertisement on the search engine page based on a combination of the quality score and company’s maximum bid.

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